Boosted posts. Google Adwords. Viral marketing. Social media influencers. All are aspects of digital marketing, which, simply put, is any form of marketing that uses an electronic device. With Americans spending an average of 11 hours a day on electronic devices (the majority of which is mobile), you can’t afford to not invest in your digital footprint. This can often occur as a packaged service for a set fee, with monthly results available to provide both accountability and ROI measurement. Atlas Business Partners can pair you with the perfect vendor for your business’s unique digital needs.
Boosted posts. Google Adwords. Viral marketing. Social media influencers. All are aspects of digital marketing, which, simply put, is any form of marketing that uses an electronic device. With Americans spending an average of 11 hours a day on electronic devices (the majority of which is mobile), you can’t afford to not invest in your digital footprint. This can often occur as a packaged service for a set fee, with monthly results available to provide both accountability and ROI measurement. Atlas Business Partners can pair you with the perfect vendor for your business’s unique digital needs.
Let’s face it: technology is tough. Tech terms are often unfamiliar, devices need constant attention, and options are constantly evolving. Your business needs IT, but you don’t need the stress of techie jargon and hardware/software to complicate your focus. That’s where we come in. Let Atlas Business Partners simplify your business by sourcing, vetting, and implementing technical solutions in any and every facet of your organization’s IT needs. In most cases, you won’t pay us; we’ll make our revenue solely from a monthly commission from your vendor.
Let’s face it: technology is tough. Tech terms are often unfamiliar, devices need constant attention, and options are constantly evolving. Your business needs IT, but you don’t need the stress of techie jargon and hardware/software to complicate your focus. That’s where we come in. Let Atlas Business Partners simplify your business by sourcing, vetting, and implementing technical solutions in any and every facet of your organization’s IT needs. In most cases, you won’t pay us; we’ll make our revenue solely from a monthly commission from your vendor.
Whether you’re a new business starting from scratch, an established organization that needs an IT overhaul, or a company that needs to upgrade an aspect or two of your tech, ABP is here to help.
Whether you’re a new business starting from scratch, an established organization that needs an IT overhaul, or a company that needs to upgrade an aspect or two of your tech, ABP is here to help.